IV Sem


1. Mammalia - General characteres. Classification upto orders. Interesting features of: Prototheria, Metatheria, Insectivora, Chiroptera, Dermoptera, Edentata, Pholidota,  Tubulidentata, Primates, Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Cetacea, Sirenia, Carnivora, Hyracoidea, Proboscidia, Peissodactyla and Atriodactyla. Dentition in mammalia: evolution of the molar teeth. Economic importance of mammals.

2. Comparitive Anatomy I - Trends in the evolution of the heart of shark and frog. Trends in the evolution of the heart of lizard, pigeon and rabbit. Trends in the evolution of the aortic arches in the vertebrate group: Cyclcostomes to Amphibia. Trends in the evolution of the aortic arches in the vertebrate group: Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia. Trends in the evolution of the respiratory system among the vertebrates with special reference to the pharynx up to Amphibia.Trends in the evolution of the respiratory system among vertebrates with special reference to the pharynx in Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia

3. Comparitive Anantomy II - Trends in the evolution of the excretory systems among vertebrates: protonephros and mesonephros. Trends in the evolution of the excretory system among vertebrates: metanephros. Trends in the evolution of the brain among the vertebrates: shark, frog. Trends in the evolution of the brain among the vertebrates: lizard, pigeon, rat. Trends in the evolution of the middle ear and ear ossicles: Cyclostomes to Amphibia. Trends in the evolution of the middle ear and ear ossicles: Reptiles, Aves and Mammalia

4. Human Anatomy I - Unique human characters. Digestive system: alimentary canal and associated organs. Circulatory system: Gross structure of the heart, arterial system, venous system.

5. Human Anatomy II - Skeletal system - Introduction: functions, types of bones, types of joints, synovial apparatus. Skull including the lower jaw. Vertebrae, ribcage. Pectoral girdle and fore-limb bones. Pelvic girdle and hind-limb bones.

6. Human Anatomy III - Respiratory system, excretory system, reproductive system, nervous system: brain, spinal cord and sense organs.