I Sem


1. Protozoa - General characters of the phylum and classification up to classes with suitable examples. Autotrophic, Holozoic, Holophytic and Saprophytic nutrition. Defenition with one example. Locomotion. Amoeboid. Ex. Amoeba (Emphasis on walking movement theory and Sol-gel theory). Flagellar movement and euglenoid movement Ex. Euglena. Ciliary movement Ex. Paramecium (Paddle-stroke theory). Reproduction. Asexual - binary fission, multiple fission and sporulation with suitable examples. A brief account of autogamy, endomixis, conjugation in Paramecium caudatum. Economic importance of protozoans with special reference to water and soil forms. Radiolarian and forminiferan ooze

2. Porifera - General characters of the phylum and classificaton upto classes with suitable examples. Histology with reference to Sycon. Canal system and its evolution - asconoid, syconoid, lueconoid and rhagonoid types. Skeleton: emphasis on the major types of spicules and spongin fibres. Reproduction: asexual, sexual; development and metamorphosis. Regeneration in sponges and sponge culture. 

3. Coelenterata - General characters of the phylum and classification upto classes with suitable examples. Polymorphism in Siphonophora with particular reference to Halistemma. Structure and life history of Aurelia. Corals: general organization of a coral polyp. Types of corals: soft and stony, solitary and colonial forms with suitable examples. Theories of coral-reef formation. Economic importance of corals. Ctenophora - symmetry and structural peculiarities with examples. 

4. Aschelminthes - General characters of the phylum Platyhelminthes and classification upto classes with suitable examples. Regeneration of Planaria polarity and Child's axial gradient theory. Externals of Fasciola hepatica. Reproduction and life history of Fasciola hepatica. General characters of the phylum Nematoda and examples. A brief account of soil Nematodes.

5. Annelida - General characters of the phylum and classification upto classes with details of each class. Earthworm: externals, digestive system, physiology of digestion, nervous system, sense organs, reproductive system and reproduction. Trochophore larva and its significance. Significance of a coelome and metamerism. Vermiculture. Role of earthworms in soil fertility.

6. Parasitology - Occurence, disease caused, mode of transmission and preventive measures of the following - Protozoa: Entamoeba histolytica and Plasmodium vivax. Platyhelminthes: Schistosoma haenatobium and Taenia solium. Nematoda: Wuchereria bancrofti. Morphological and physiological parasitic adaptations of flatworms. Ascaris lumbricoides - morphology and life history. Leech: parasitic adaptations (morphological and physiological)